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Biblioteca Medica Centrale "Vincenzo Pinali"

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Borrowing Policies

ultima modifica 12/04/2024 08:55

Borrowing Policies

Borrowing services are available both for institutional users and guests with SBA card.

The loan is personal, so the withdrawal of books or other library materials can be performed by a different person only if he or she is duly authorized. The return, however, can be performed by someone other than the applicant without any special formalities.

Please notice that the following materials are entirely excluded from borrowing:

  • manuscripts
  • antique and valuable volumes
  • musical scores and sheet music
  • photographs
  • books in poor condition
  • loose-leaf publications

Renewal and Reservation

You can renew your books before they are due.

These are the options for renewal:

1. online (GalileoDiscovery> Sign In>/Loans)
2. by phone, just call the library
3. directly at the information desk

You cannot renew an item if :

1. another library user has placed a hold on it
2. your user account is blocked, in this case please contact the library

Please notice that there are different type of borrowing.
The most part of our collection can be borrowed for 30 days, renewable.
The texts on the exam syllabus can only be borrowed through overnight loan or during the weekend.
Some texts can be borrowed for 15 days.

Ask to the information desk to have sure information about the loan timing.

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