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Biblioteca Medica Centrale "Vincenzo Pinali"

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How to reach us

ultima modifica 31/05/2024 12:49

By car: The Medical Library "Vincenzo Pinali" is located within the hospital area, you can reach us from via Giustiniani 2 . Please note that car access inside the area is strictly regulated.

By bus: from the train and bus station you can take the bus lines 6, 14 and 24, and stop at the hospital. Please note that also lines 15 and 24 reach the hospital area, even not from the railway station. Follow the signals to West Area ---> Radiotherapy: the Library overlooks the car park in front of Radiotherapy Unit.

On foot: Entering from Via Giustiniani 2, follow the signals for West Area ---> Radiotherapy: the Library is on the left and overlooks the car park. If you come from downtown, please notice that another pedestrian entrance is available from the gate in via Vincenzo Gallucci 13. You'll find the Library on your left over the parking area.

If you are inside the Hospital of Padua, you can consult the specific map to better orient yourself and reach us; we are in the purple area (Area D), under the D4!